Social Responsibility

The Valley Sanitary District supports corporate social responsibility as an active member of our community:

  • District Annual Operating Budgets, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, and more.
  • General Manager Contract — Current contract became effective June 25, 2024.
  • Employee Compensation — Valley Sanitary District’s Compensation Policy is to set pay levels commensurate with the labor market with a pay for performance program for top performers. Our compensation is posted at the California State Controller’s Office.
  • Employee Benefits — Employees receive benefits for medical, dental, vision, life, retirement, training and paid leave.
  • Board of Directors Compensation — Directors receive compensation of $300 per day of service for a maximum of six (6) days per month.
  • Public Information Requests — All public records of the Valley Sanitary District (VSD) are available for review by the public in accordance with the California Public Records Act, Section 6250 and following of the Government Code.
  • Major Construction Projects — Capital improvement projects are designed to enhance the wastewater collection and treatment systems that provide safe and reliable service to VSD customers.
  • Capital improvement projects are financed by developer fees, grants, and District reserves.